Sunday, December 16, 2012

Working Toward a Bully Free School

Tool 7.1 Action Planning Template

Goal:  Would students be more safe if teachers, counselor, and administrators were better able to protect them from bullies in our schools by researching where the bullies are taking advantage of the victims?
                                 Person(s)          Timeline:               Needed
Action Step(s)     Responsible         Start/End            Resources        Evaluation
1. Observe students in classroom setting who are having issues with bullying
Classroom teachers
January 2013/ June 2013
Cooperation of teachers whose classroom will be observed.
Monitor students’ participation and social skills in class.
2. Interviews with 7th and 8th grade students, counselors, administrators, and their teachers.
March 2013/ June 2013
Interview forms and teacher and student cooperation.
Monitor students and evaluate them using interview forms
3. Individual Surveys
January 2013/ February 2013
Questionnaire to be filled out by teachers and students.
Analyze information collected from surveys.
Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools             Sandra Harris, Stacey Edmonson, Julie Combs © Eye On Education


  1. I wonder if it would be a good idea to make your question more open-ended. I think it's safe to say that the answer to your question is "yes." Maybe the research should be how to find out who is being bullied and where it is happening, and then what steps would be effective in addressing the issue. My nephew was having a terrible time with being bullied in his large junior high school. The kids were very sneaky about it. They often did it in the cafeteria where there were hundreds of kids and inadequate supervision. It was often verbal and could never be proven. In addition, he didn't want to tattle on them because the tormenting would worsen, especially since the school staff couldn't protect him constantly. My sister finally withdrew him and put him in a private school. She wasn't upset with the school because it's a very difficult problem to address. However, he was experiencing terrible anxiety because of it. He is a big enough kid that he probably could have physically defended himself, but these bullies knew how to be abusive in ways that weren't easy to detect. I think it is a wonder topic for research. It just seems like maybe a little more specific items could be factored in. What about the No Place for Hate program? I think that's the name of it. Other than the already identified victims, how will you identified who is being bullied? As in the case of my nephew, they often don't want to speak up. Good luck! It's an important issue to tackle.

  2. Are the surveys they only way you will measure this test, or can you obtain information from referrals and behavior sign ups?
