Sunday, December 2, 2012

Data...A Huge Classroom Help

We know that our Action Research Plans have come from a good place, but do we realize how helpful data can be? It's time consuming to sit down and figure out the best way for us to collect data to resolve a school or classroom conflict. It's even more time consuming to actually collect that data. This year I have really come to realize that my school is using a significant amount of time, money, and energy to collect data in order to make our school a better place as well as to make our students more successful. Initially, I didn't understand why we were spending so much time. I didn't understand how helpful data can be. I had a lot to learn.
After my research and studying data-driven research, I realize that it's the only way we are going to be able to 'fix' our school's problems. It is imperative that we have a system to measure what is wrong so that we can look at what needs to be done in order to make those necessary improvements.


  1. I completely agree with you with about the data driven research. I started my teaching in Dallas ISD and because of that I received lots of great paid training over Data-Driven Instruction. It really is the only way to currently run schools, monitor progress and drive our instruction in the classroom.

  2. My biggest concern about collecting so much data is that often it is not being used. In my district we do a lot of interim assessment, but teachers are not trained on how to use the data collected to improve instruction.
